Digital Evolution/new AI

By Xerex Faustino - Brand Designer/Consultant

People believe that we live in a stagnant part of human evolution. From australipiticus, pithecathrpus, peking man, neanderthal, cromagnon, neanderthal, etc then suddenly stopped at the stage called homosapiens. But we are unaware that we now can see thru satellites and GPS devices and apps that gave us the capacity to look at geo-maps from macro to micro perspective with added infos like weather forecast that provides us idea of temperature or any environmental conditions to plan ahead our actions before arriving to that specific location for destination. Human can communicate overseas and take immediate decisions to resolve problems. Human problems can be instantly resolved by social media apps like youtube instructional videos to fix appliances from basic to the most complex details. Getting to know people and institutions for our career advantage. Information became so  available for free of access that human can rely almost like human body part. These gadgets like smartphones, computers, drones and satellites became an extension of human body.

Gave us ultimate power and advantage to dominate in business from fishing, farming, trading, and all industries like medicine and war economy.

Therefore there’s no un-denying fact that human continue to evolve with the help of technology called “digital evolution.”

Agreeing to this theory will give us insights that will take our attention to help influence this digital human evolution which plays a big part to shape our future. There’s a big debate whether or not the pandemic is natural or human made but there is no doubt that businesses are taking advantage of the situation to ensure that the demand suits the type of product or service the business provides. Since we human biologically release chemicals like dopamine and endorphin thru social and physical contacts with human, attention engineers now replaced all these by social media “likes” that shifted our attention to digital activities like shopping and selling online. The best example business platform that is available that suits this pandemic fear of physical contact varies from simple online shopping, delivery apps to the sophisticated metaverse.

War gave us the rise of mass media as a tool to sell and buy products. But this lasted only for 50 decades since human are exposed to mass media called “scarcity of attention”. People look-up at brands or people who appear on publications, radios and televisions. This one-way-communication device became a media conditioning device that created a new reality or culture that affected our lifestyle and decision making.

But this scarcity of attention ended when we are given the internet. A two-way-communication device that seeks a connection between brands and consumers that created a bit of balance in psychology of media conditioning.

All these human advantage seems so overwhelming since it plays a big contribution to  human problem solving process. However, there can be a great danger if we human continue to evolve without awareness that we compromise this greatest biological nature called “humanity”. Please don’t get me wrong, I love human digital evolution.

All I care for is the awareness of all or at-least few concern netizens, leaders, or so-called environment providers. Let’s talk more about environment providers in a separate blog but for now, I wanna focus on this topic of digital evolution.

Human are trying to develop the so called AI or popularly known as artificial intelligence and expected it to be a robot or a form of a computer program that learns everything automatically. But to me, the lack of awareness of human to rely fully on digital infos from these devices are becoming so info-filled-smart that tend to neglect or lose humanity in them not realizing that they are the new form of AI. Very efficient in business, medicine, war and other industries that provides an environment that affects all human decision makings. A very smart breed of human but lost contact with humanity without empathy, love, morality and spirituality.


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