
Showing posts from December, 2021

Digital Evolution/new AI

By Xerex Faustino - Brand Designer/Consultant People believe that we live in a stagnant part of human evolution. From australipiticus, pithecathrpus, peking man, neanderthal, cromagnon, neanderthal, etc then suddenly stopped at the stage called homosapiens. But we are unaware that we now can see thru satellites and GPS devices and apps that gave us the capacity to look at geo-maps from macro to micro perspective with added infos like weather forecast that provides us idea of temperature or any environmental conditions to plan ahead our actions before arriving to that specific location for destination. Human can communicate overseas and take immediate decisions to resolve problems. Human problems can be instantly resolved by social media apps like youtube instructional videos to fix appliances from basic to the most complex details. Getting to know people and institutions for our career advantage. Information became so  available for free of access that human can rely almost like human

What is the best way to wrestle with a narcissist?

What is the best way to wrestle with a narcissist? Fighting with a disordered person is like wrestling with a pig. You only get dirty and the pig enjoys it. To win a war with a narcissist is to avoid the war. In wars, there is actually no winners. Both parties will always suffer casualties, loss of resources and loss of precious time. The best way to win is to stay no contact. Do not react but give a response and the best response is ignore all provocations and focus on your healing. Fighting the narcissist is just a waste of time. Invest the time to yourself rather than wasting it on the narcissist. Narcissists have a different set of values, principles and morals. They will do everything even damage themselves just to destroy you. You can not fight a person with a disordered mind without being disordered also. So in the process you will only lose your own humanity and spirituality. Staying away from the narcissist is the same as protecting yourself and your sanity. The warfare again


By Xerex Faustino - Brand Designer/Consultant Imagine meeting a person on a first date, opens a conversation with how great they are to just impress you. Expecting to win your attention by being self centered rather than winning you first by understanding your world or interest to make you feel comfortable. As horrible as it sounds, yes it is a very obvious demonstration of a very narcissistic behavior. Interestingly, most of these people meant no harm or have any evil intention or at-least awareness of this act. All they want is to either win a longer conversation or developing a relationship or trust. Most people tend to fall into this behavior regardless of their educational, cultural, emotional and other factors that could get them to be at that certain situation. Maybe due to human impulsive nature due to mix-emotions like excitement, fear, confidence and impatience to just ensure an opportunity. This mostly happens to most men who meets a very beautiful woman especially on the fi

God is a Designer

By Xerex Faustino - Brand Designer/Consultant They say design is a thought, idea or “word” made into visual. Design is a verb that is considered to be is a task to be done to either solve a problem or improve lives of people or situation. We can therefore say that design is a method or a process to translate an idea, or word into a visual form. This idea could be explained in a story metaphor of 6 days creation. God could have made the universe in an instant but rather required a total of 6 days process where fish cannot exist unless a body of water called sea is created first, and land to exist before the creation of animals for human to be created at the last of the six-day process. Existence of human pro-created gifted visionary people like entrepreneurs and CEO’s for businesses. They are hired or appointed to either predict or to decide the future of the business. This visionaries often requires a person who can translate visionary ideas into visuals by people who are called design

Dispensation And Marketing

By Xerex Faustino - Brand Designer/Consultant One of the most famous books I’ve read is the Bible that introduced me to the spiritual way of living, coming from a very secular life as an atheist. Understanding spirituality gave me an empathetic view of this world that got me involved in a lot of church activities like praise and worship, fellowship and charitable community service which developed my social relationship, achieving the feeling of content and certainty that I truly and finally understand the message of God and my mission in life. The deeper I study the more it asked me questions in at the back of my head to my service like which tithes system suits me? is circumcision necessary? Are we saved by good deeds or law, these are few examples of contradictory statements between 2 great apostles named Peter and Paul which are considered great influencers to Christianity. These inconsistencies in no doubt led confusion, argument and disputes to people most especially from differen

Cain's True Nature is the Same as the Nature of The Narcissists

A series of articles on Narcissism (Part 14) By Prof. Rudy L. Miranda Will the Narcissists change for the better? “And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. And the LORD said unto Cain, Why are you angry? and why is your countenance fallen? If you do well, shall you not be accepted? and if you do not well, sin lies at the door. And you shall be its desire, and you must rule over it.” — Genesis 4:3-7(KJ2000) Now, let us examine the narrative of the Holy Scripture with regards to the story of Cain, the first born of Adam and Eve. Let us look at the obvious facts: 1. God has no respect for Cain's offering and Cain didn't do well. 2. Cain's was angry. That was his reactio