God is a Designer

By Xerex Faustino - Brand Designer/Consultant

They say design is a thought, idea or “word” made into visual. Design is a verb that is considered to be is a task to be done to either solve a problem or improve lives of people or situation. We can therefore say that design is a method or a process to translate an idea, or word into a visual form.

This idea could be explained in a story metaphor of 6 days creation. God could have made the universe in an instant but rather required a total of 6 days process where fish cannot exist unless a body of water called sea is created first, and land to exist before the creation of animals for human to be created at the last of the six-day process.

Existence of human pro-created gifted visionary people like entrepreneurs and CEO’s for businesses. They are hired or appointed to either predict or to decide the future of the business. This visionaries often requires a person who can translate visionary ideas into visuals by people who are called designers. The designers task is to either solve the CEO’s problem or better the business by improving the lives of customers such as culture, environment, product that communicates both business and customers.

Communication requires a good story to engage both parties. A two way communication produces healthy “branding” or reputation for good or better relationship. This engagement decides the sustainability of the business by happy customers based on trust/faith. Trust/faith is like a small taste-test of proof which taps on human emotion. Business are more rational that requires an emotional response from customers. Amazingly proven in marketing that cars were sold successfully as a status symbol of wealth, power and money instead of its function to rationally transport people from one place to another. This process proves that buying decision of consumers are driven by emotion according to Simon Sinek which advocates emotional marketing “why”. Which led me to believe and conclude that the real task of a designer is to capture customers emotion thru rational business formula. Which led me to conclude that creative/design is similar to the metaphor story of 6 days creation and to highlight the importance of the application of “process”. This process helps develop a strategy to ensure the “ideal vision” happens by considering “realistic factors” such as time and resources.

The ultimate value therefore to me of a designer is the skill or experience to this creative process to solve the problem of business and visionaries like you.


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